মানববিদ্যা অনুষদ


English Language Teaching

Faculty Publications

Faculty Title/Topic
Dr Sumana Bandyopadhyay,
Assistant Professor
  • Book
    • Indianisation of English, Concept Publishing, New Delhi, April 2010, 184 pages, ISBN-13-978-81-8069-703-6.
  • Chapters in Edited Volumes
    • "Pronunciation Teaching and Learning", English Language and Literature Teaching, Trend, Techniques, Methods and Approaches, Eds. Prashant Mothe, Dr Arvind M Nawale, Authorspress, New Delhi, 2013, 356-363, ISBN-978-81-7273-740-5.
    • "Teaching ELT through Open and Distant Learning", Open and Distant Learning: Future Perspectives, Eds. Prof Debnarayan Modak, Dr Anirban Ghosh, NSOU, 2013, 93-107, ISBN-978-93-82112-10-5.
    • "The Teachers' Role in English Language Teaching", Open and Distance Learning System - Recent Developments, Ed. Dr Anirban Ghosh, NSOU, 2016, 295-310, ISBN-978-93-82112-28-0.
    • "The Structure of Persuasive Language in Amitav Ghosh's The Shadow Lines", Partition Literature An Open Praxis. Eds. Dr Manan K Mandal, Mr Srideep Mukherjee, NSOU, 2016, 129-132, ISBN-978-93-82112-11-2.
    • "Strategies on Target Language and Source Language Use in the Classroom: A Sociolinguistic Study". Recent Trends in English Language Teaching, Ed: Prof Julu Sen, Dr Sumana Bandyopadhyay, Akhand Publishing House, Delhi, 2019, 18-28, ISBN: 978-93-88990-45-1.
    • "Dynamics of Discourse in Online Communication". Design of ELT, Eds Prof S Mohanraj, Dr Sumana Bandyopadhyay, NSOU, 2021, 51-62, ISBN-978-93-82112-81-5.
    • 'The Companion', Trans of Majher Manus by Manoranjan Byapari. In Relocating Bengal Partition Milieu: Survival, Resilience and Belongings, Eds. Dr Md Intaj Ali, Prof Manan Kumar Mandal, CLTCS, NSOU, Sept 2022, 168-176, ISBN-978-93-82112-86-0.
  • Research Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals
    • "Repetition in Conversational Extracts in Vikram Seth's An Equal Music", Praci-Bhasha- Vijnan Indian Journal of Linguistics, Vol 24, Jan- Dec 2005, 77-89, ISSN-0971-7064x.
    • "The Sadhu(H) - Calit(L) and Diglossia in Bangla", International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, Vol XXXV, Number 1, Jan 2006, 243-247, ISSN-0378-2484.
    • "Indianisms in Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance", Language Forum, Vol 34, Number 2, July-Dec 2008, 35-47, ISSN-0253-9071.
    • "Syntax Patterns in Anurag Mathur's The Inscrutable Americans", The Indian Review of World Literature, Vol 6, Number 1, Jan 2010, 1-6, ISSN-0974-097x.
    • "Teacher Training and Education- Skills in Demand", International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 1, No. 3; March 2019, ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online). ISSN: 2639-7412 (Print). 239-250.
    • "Language Across Diversity And Identity - First Language Impact On Second Language Acquisition", International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills; Vol. 2, No. 1; September 2019, ISSN: 2639-7412 (Print) ISSN : 2638-5546 (Online). 786-800.
    • "Developments in Distance Education in ELT - A Reflective Analysis of Online Learning". Journal of Open Learning and Research Communication Vol 6, 2020, 19-31 ISSN: 2456-2742.
    • "A Pragmatic Analysis of Deixis in Gita Mehta's Karma Cola", Rock Pebbles 25(3), 2021, ISSN: 0975-0509, E-ISSN: 2230-8954. UGC-CARE No: 168.
    • "Assessing e-learning beyond Virtual Classroom" International Journal on English Learning & Teaching Skills, Vol 4(1), 2021. ISSN: 2639-7412, ISSN: 2638-5546 (Online).
Anindita Sarkar,
Assistant Professor
  • Book/Articles
    • "Negotiating with the Triple Jeopardy of Migration, Motherhood and Patriarchy in Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake" Interrogating Cultures of Complicity and Resistance: A Women's Studies Compendium ,ISBN 978-93-88-207-720.
  • Research Paper in Journal
    • "Oh Mother, Who art thou? The Heart of Maternal Darkness in the Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield", Pragati English Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, Dec 2020, ISSN 0975-4091.
    • "Where Angels Fear to tread by E. M Forster in the Mirror of Lacanian Psychoanalysis", Mizoram University Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 2, Dec 2020, ISSN 2348-1188
    • "Disremembered and Unaccounted - Breaking the Silence surrounding Male Rape in Beloved by Toni Morrison", MUSE INDIA, Issue 97, 2021, ISSN 0975-1815
    • "The Shifting Portrayal of Motherhood in Indian Film: A Case Study of Renuka Sahane's Tribhanga", Teresian Journal of English Studies, Vol 14, Issue 1, Jan-March 2022, ISSN 0975-6302
    • "And I cannot describe how my body feels": Folk Beliefs and Taboos among Menstruating Women in Rajbangshi Culture", Lokaratna, Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2021, ISSN 2347-6427
    • "Made weak by time and fate: Reading the Gerontological Issues in the play The Chairs by Eugene Ionesco", Asian Quarterly, Vol. 19, Issue 1 & 2 , May & August 2021, ISSN 2229-581X
    • "Significance of the Lepcha Creation Myths and Folktales", Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation, Vol. 4:2 & 5:1, July 2022, ISSN 2454-9495

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